Guest Sales
This is a section for those wanting to sell medical or surgical antiquities made prior to 1900.
I know there are those that may have purchased or have had Medical or surgical antiquities handed down to them and now for one reason or another would like to sell them.
Trying to place your items on the right venue can be difficult. Auction houses and eBay are expensive and don’t necessarily target the proper audience.
Therefore, I am happy to offer that service reasonably on my site, where medical and surgical antiquities can be viewed buy an audience interested in potentially purchasing them.
If you are interested and having me list item on your behalf, please submit the following information:
— The name and maker of your item
— An accurate description of your item including all information that is pertinent
— an approximate age of the item
— A set a good Quality photographs (prefer white background)
— Your asking price (which could include best offer)
— Your sale conditions ie: all sales final
— Your contact information which will be kept confidential by me until a sale is determined to be final
Please note that I am unable to accept any medical or surgical items or instruments made after 1900. This site is for medical and surgical antiquities from the pre-sterilization era. I also will not sell furniture or items that I don’t feel are acceptable on the site. All items must be in reasonably good condition.
Terms of Acceptance
— Items must meet my approval.
— I will list your item or items for a period of six months at no cost. If, after six months they have not sold, then I will exercise the option to request a re-pricing of your items or ask that they be removed from the site.
— If your item finds a buyer, I will help to mediate the sale from you to that buyer.
— My fee upon sale of an item will be 10% of the sale price which must be paid prior to the finalization of the sale.
— All seller contact information will be kept private by me, as well as buyer information until the sale is final . At this point, I will put the seller and buyer in touch so that payment and shipping can be arranged.
DISCLAIMER: I will not be responsible for items which are not as described nor any disputes between the buyer and seller.
I look forward to helping facilitate the sale of your medical and/or surgical antiques to a new home
Please contact me HERE for any questions or to submit your items.